All of us think back in time and try to find clues to certain unexplainable developments in our life. While some of us have a scientific approach to all we do or believe in, many leave it up to the gods. And then, there is always poor 'destiny' to blame it upon! However, after understanding the concept of karma and the western translation of 'what goes around comes around', the similarity in scientific explanations and this law is so uncanny.
Newton's Third Law of Motion states: EVERY ACTION HAS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION. The religious texts say (with varying examples and phrases): Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Is this where the two worlds collide? And...merge? I hope so.
It is so easy to understand that all your interactions in life and circumstances, are the result of behavior or action. If I am rude, how on earth can I expect people around me to drip honey when interacting with me? If I am can I earn a friendship? It is so simple. The world is a reflection of yourself. For that matter...think about E = mc2!
Einstein himself declared that only about 10 people in the whole world actually understood the meaning of the formula! His explanation was that the five minutes spent in the company of a lover and those on a burning stove were same in quantum, but differed in quality. Why? Well, common sense reveals that while one is a pleasant interaction the other is not. It is the fire, heat and reaction to the stove that makes those five minutes unbearable.
Think about it....
The Law of Karma dictates that you will only get what you dole out. We see this unfold everyday of our lives and yet ask: "Why me?". It takes a little introspection and a complete turn around to MAKE TODAY THE BEST, SO THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE BETTER MEMORIES OF YESTERDAY!. And whether we like it or not, it is the truth.
Our daily home and work environment is full of examples to teach us the importance of welcoming change. The scope to do so, every living day, is so wide and readily available. All it takes is a little determination and a lot of grit. But, aren't we genetically designed to display these two personality assets? A look at world history or the current environmental issues we are battling amply help to realize the 'cause and effect' melodrama unfolding by the minute. And science agrees.
Change is a sign of life. We do so by the second. What a happier planet this would be if only we apply reasoning and send positive vibrations all around.
The causal cycle of life is at hand
To be lived and ironed out straight
Lets spread peace through the land
Before it gets dark and a little too late....
You are the master of your life
Do good, and receive the best
Why invite hardship and strife
When you can sail through the test.